Our Sunday worship service is held at 11:00a.m. in the church sanctuary, and is also viewable live on our YouTube channel here. In our worship, we come together as one body to worship the triune God – penitently seeking His presence, exuberantly praising Him, exalting the name of Jesus, learning from His Word, and endeavoring to do His will empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our words, prayers, music, and affirmations seek to glorify Him alone.
A nursery is available on the 2nd floor of our Educational Building for newborns through 4-year-olds. After the “Word with our Children,” 4-year-olds through 2nd-graders are invited to join our Children’s Church on the Choir Hallway. Children’s Church lessons correspond to those explored in our Sunday School curriculum, “The Gospel Project,” expanding on the students’ understanding of key Biblical concepts.
There are opportunities for all ages to be involved in our music program
Chancel Choir
This choir, which is open to all, ministers periodically at worship services and other special services of the church. Music is especially important to our Christmas and Easter celebrations. Rehearsals are Sundays at 9:30a.m.
Our PraiseMakers Kids’ Choir is open to children and youth, age 4 through 8th grade. They sing periodically during regular worship services as well as in special services and activities of the church throughout the year. PraiseMakers also presents an annual Christmas play. They rehearse on Wednesday nights at 6:00p.m.
Alleluia Ringers
Our handbell choir ministers periodically during regular worship services as well as in special services and activities of the church throughout the year. Rehearsals are held on select Wednesdays at 7:30p.m.
The Last Supper
“The Last Supper” is a living dramatization of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting. Just as in the painting, this vivid tableau by Ernest K. Emurian portrays the moment when Jesus tells His disciples one of them will betray Him. Each disciple in turn “comes alive” and describes his thoughts and feelings on hearing Jesus’ startling words. Special music adds to the meaning of this service.
The first presentation by First Presbyterian was sponsored by the Women of the Church in 1961. The event received such a good response that the church presented it annually through 1964. “The Last Supper” was revived in 1969 and then again in 1977 in the church’s new sanctuary. Thereafter, members of the church and community have enjoyed this stirring drama every three years, except for a break between 2004 and 2009. In 1993 a new set and new costumes and wigs added even greater realism in recreating the original painting. Recent audiences of the presentation have been at or near the capacity of the sanctuary. The scheduled 2021 production was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making the 2022 presentation the Church’s 20th.
Cast members are all current or former members of the church. Many more help with the directing, set, costumes, wigs, makeup, props,nursery, meals, and other tasks behind the scenes. First Presbyterian warmly invites the community to enjoy this very special worship presentation.
2022 Last Supper Production
Watch our most recent presentation of The Last Supper, in 2022, on our YouTube channel.
Worship Location & Directions
Sundays @ 11:oo am
201 Vance Street Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081